Matrimonial Data Bank

  • Phone Number

  • 8281913198 / 9995266009

  • kalyan matrimonial,

  • Mundoor PO, Thrissur-680541.


about us

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Points to be noted for getting good service & to avoid your/our/other's image distortion

1. Shortlist selections as per your main requirements & initially contact most preferred case (with your bio-data through website/phone call/SMS/e-mail/postal letter), then secondly the next interested and likewise

2.Contact opposite party with maximum least requirements politely and without unnecessary arguments (in conversation) so that no bad image/opinion will be created. Please avoid contacting persons who don't behave politely. If any goodness is found in this contact and contacted person your case will be considered even if your case is not in tune with the present requirements of the opposite party.

3.Enquiry should be started by initially confirming with whether the case is live/ whether any change in bio data details already seen /supplied.

4. Horoscope/ photo/ more details can be demanded and given then & there by both parties and thus maximize speed in progress of proposals.

5. We never expect or accept any kind of returns after marriage. We don't act as mediators.

6. In addition to client loaded bio-datas, they are collected & posted in a cooperative style from newspaper/magazine advertisements by them/us, other marriage bureaus/ databanks, local brokers/agents, websites & our own clients (by exchange/payment/free membership) in order to give maximum good selection for our paid members. It is advisable to give maximum biodata details in initial stage itself & modify with additional details if any, then and there.

7. Membership subscription scheme amounts are derived only to minimally compensate data collection/ entry, computer upkeeps, minimum stipent/allowance for persons/workers behind this cooperative force & phone/postal/rental expenses. In fact we treat this as a non-profit motivated divine mission service to general public & to our work force. Your subscription ends on view contact number expiry or on month/period expiry, whichever comes first. You can re-subscribe with suitable payment as per your need again & again. YOU WILL GET EQUAL NUMBER OF SELECTION DATAS WITH CONTACT DETAILS WHENEVER YOU COME WITH/SEND LIVE OTHER MARRIAGE DATAS (ORIGINAL/COPY) FROM ADVTS/OTHER AGENCIES.

8. Your details will be selected by/flashed/sent to opposite gender parties till you delete your data, even if subscription month/view contact numbers expires.

9. It is advisable that the first enquirer/informer himself/herself contact us in all future contacts. Please don't employ any others for this purpose.

10. Please don’t disclose your password to anyone including us/our workers/agents, but member-id may be given to needy opposite parties.

11. Please don't annoy with opposite party's bio-data publicity/mispublicity especially with identifying particulars such as address, phone numbers, email-id, external link-id such as social website-id, marriage website-id and also do not disclose opposite party/family details to friends/unnecessary people including relatives after the marriage enquiry.

Why Choose Us

Way to Perfect Matches :

The unique matching tools on www.kalyanmatrimonial enables you to find your perfect partner.

Safe and Secure :

www.kalyanmatrimonial offers you enhanced security features that creates a safe and secure platform for partner search.

Easy to use navigation :

An easy and convenient set of features allow you to manage your search results and communication effectively.

  • Phone Number

  • +91 8281913198 | +91 9995266009

  • wattsapp : 9747415928

  • kalyan matrimonial

  • Marriage information centre Chittilappilly building, Oppo.Rc Church Mundur. PO. Trichur -680541.